Business Case: EMV – Button Component
Let's talk about Buttons
Today people are overwhelmed with the information coming to them from every corner on every device.
Commercials on TV are no longer on top of the trends.
The new generation seeks their products online.
They look the product up on Google or find it in Ads and after clicking the link they find themselves on the Company’s website.
But they are very distracted by updated news on Instagram, messages on Twitter, and WhatsApp.
So to bound the customers‘ attention to Your product, You need individual page layouts, interesting banners, some videos, and, of course – buttons.
Querplex has more than 25 years of experience in the field of creating omnichannel online Shops and Content Management.
We help our clients to provide the best Customer Experience for their users.That’s why we created a Component for SAP Commerce SmartEdit (Hybris), that helps our clients to pick up the shape and color of the button.
This was a Business Case for one of our long-term clients – Europa Möbel Verbund.
As they have more than 100 + websites for their representatives, each of them wanted to be able to create something special. Individually styled buttons, will encourage people to learn more about the product and buy the product.
The Buttons will be styled individually to the Brand concept and color set.
For those of You, who know how to work with SAP Commerce Smart Edit (Hybris), there is the ability to create your individual button once.Still, in our case, we needed to provide our customers with the ability to create hundreds of different buttons.
Here is the result we received:

Here the style, the color of the Text, the color of the box, and the color of the boundaries are able to change.

So if You are in search of a new partner who knows how to help You with Your ongoing or future projects, feel free to give us a call or send the request.
We are fond of taking care of Content Management, Migration to the new version, or implementing Add-ons, such as our latest product, now available on SAP Store – Magic Templates.
Kontakt direkt
Querplex GmbH Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 (0)911 941198 0
Querplex GmbH Nürnberg
Kornmarkt 2
D-90402 Nürnberg